Tuesday, December 29, 2009

It Begins

It begins. Today is December 28th 2009, a few days shy of a new year, and although I am not one for resolutions I have to draw a hard line with myself in the pursuit of better health and weight managment. 2009 was a very difficult health year for me that left me secretly depressed. I was, am depressed because I know the choices I made caused me to be the state I am in.
I weigh in at close to 300 lbs. For years I struggled with the decision to lose weight, becasue I thought that if I did then that would be a confession of self hatred. I never felt that my weight limited my abitlity to achieve things in life, travel or be joyful. I just thought that if I decided to lose weight I would be saying to the "fatphobes" that they were right "all fat people secretly hate themselves".
2009 has opened my eyes to having my cake and eating it too. I learned that it is not about my weight per se but about my health. And if that means losing weight then so be it. Because in truth and in fact I love myself, I love my activities, and the track that I am on professionally. I just need to make some adjustment to insure longevity.
2010 is going to rock and I am ready for it!!