Monday, October 14, 2013

Gettin' Juicy Wit' It


As promised I am back with an update on the Coke Flush.  I still have not had the violent reaction I have been looking for.  I think next Friday, I'll digest some aloe.  I've done it before and felt hella wretched. High five! No high five.
Okay, lets talk about juice.  Opened up the Breville and I'm kinda in love.  I wasn't too sure if I was going to make juice right then, but I could not resist.

So I gathered my ingredients: kale, carrots, pineapple and apples.
I made juice.  Delicious!! So freaking tasty! So you might notice there is no hint of green.  That is because although the machine says it does leafy greens, I beg to differ. The kale went in.  The kale went out...but not where it should have. It got spit into the bin.  Even with that I love it.  I made juice this morning, before work.  The eventual intention is to use the juice as a meal replacement.  But I like to chew.  So I will be summoning my inner strength fore that one.  
Well all in all I love my juicer and the Coke Flush did not ruin me or make me feel rinsed out.   Need another game plan


Saturday, October 12, 2013

Liver Scubbing

Hello Yall,

Okay so I as promised in the last post I did a Liver Cleanse: Coke Flush stylin and profilin.  If you read the instructions then you will know there was some prep involved.  I was supposed to drink 3 quart of Apple Cider Vinegar with Ultra Phosp Liquid.  Well let us explore all that went wrong with that particular venture.

1st) Apparently I have no idea what a quart is.  In my head when I read that I was like, "Oh that would be a breeze," because in my head I was thinking of Chinese qts. and pts.  Then Wednesday morning I woke up ready to put my qt. of ACV in my bottle, and was rudely informed what  a real liquid quart is.  After getting over the shock I decided to delay my ACV adventure until Thursday.

2nd) Being all conscientious and whatnot I did my prep Wednesday night.  Started my ingestion of my treated ACV, but Undiluted Organic ACV plays with your emotions.  When it first enters your mouth it tastes like honey, then quickly it slaps you in face and says "SUCKER!"  Normally, there would be not photographic evidence my reactions to things I do, but today you are in-luck.  My work mate was ever so generous [sarcasm] decided to video and photograph me as I idiotically accepted his challenge to drink more than sips. 

In the wake of the hella strong quart of ACV I could not finish I diluted it.  On Friday I complete 20oz.  Pat on the back for me because that is not my usual imbibation of liquid.  Which makes it truly clear that I am dehydrated, but I will address it at later date.  Friday night I decide to mix the Coke mixture.   The ewwness factor was high.  4oz of olive oil going down your throat.  EWWWWW!  The Coke with the lemon juice was not so bad.  It took me 2o minutes to drink it.  Frequent stops prevented me from gagging.  After I was done I went to bed as the directions said.  I could feel the mixture moving around my tummy.  I watched Haven to help me keep time.

I awoke at 6am thinking I would feel some kind of cramping, driving me to the bathroom.  Instead, I felt nothing I was not even mildly discomforted.  My stomach grumbled a bit, but apart from that nada.  No nausea.  I went to the loo around the 7.  Stuff left my body, but nothing substantial. (Yes discuss BM's are so sexy, be thankful there are no pics).  Went again around 9, but since then nothing.  It is now 10:12pm.  I hoped I would feel like my insides were being ripped out, be faint, could barely stand.   I feel too fine.  I am sad.

My full verdict regarding the Coke Flush has not come in yet.  Tomorrow is a new day, and perhaps it needed more time to work it's magic.   I have what most people would call a cast-iron belly.  Fingers crossed, I'll be wrecked tomorrow.

Ta Ta for Now!

btw I cracked open the Breville today.  We'll discuss later.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Fatty Fatty Sicky Sicky Don't Want to be a Chubby Zombie

Today I feel sick.  I mean for real ichy.  My tummy does not feel quite right.  My head has had a dull ache for awhile.  Plus I have been zapped of energy.  I thought it might be a change in the weather, but a better explanation is that I am fat.  I have put on some poundage [like 20], since I've returned to Wilmington.  My expanding waistline could definitely be the contributing factor to my malaise.

The universe seems to be trying to send me a message, a very clear message, that I need to get my behind in gear.  From a conversation with a friend to watching Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead, plus I dreamed I was working out.  Yes, me working out, so it must be dream.  A very vivid dream.  So on the heels of watching Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead I bought a Breville juicer.  I am excited to crack her open and get to juicing.

To launch the juicing, I am going to get my liver cleansed.  Or better yet I should say I am going to clean my liver.  I found this protocol that I liked.  Perhaps because it is called the Coke Flush.  I really need to go to rehab for Coca Cola.  Okay back to the flush.  The procedure is below.


1. Two ounces of fresh squeezed lemon juice. (1-2 lemons)
2. Ultra Phos liquid. Do NOT do a liver flush without this.
3. Olive oil. Regular extra virgin oil will do.
4. Coca Cola Classic. Bottle, NOT can. (yes, it can be a plastic bottle)
5. Apple Cider. Not apple juice. It doesn’t have to be organic apple cider either, just regular old apple cider you can get at the grocery store is fine.

For three days drink one quart of apple cider per day. Add 90 drops of Ultra Phos liquid to each quart. Drink the apple cider throughout the day. With meals, between meals, it doesn’t matter. On the third day of drinking the apple cider, three hours after your evening meal, you do the liver flush.

Mix together the following:
2 ounces of lemon juice
4 ounces of olive oil.
4 ounces of Coca Cola Classic. (Shake the Coke a few times to get all the fizz out).

Stir this mixture together. DO NOT SHAKE. Stir vigorously then drink.
Immediately lay down on your right side, knees slightly bent, head properly supported, for 30 minutes. Then 15 minutes on your left side and 15 minutes on your back. Then get up and move around a bit. Nothing strenuous.

Results: The oil usually passes within a few hours. If you experience any nausea treat it with ginger or peppermint tea. The nausea leaves once the oil has passed. Within 12 to 24 hours the debris that was congesting the liver will pass. Green, pea size stones, dead parasites and lymphatic debris. Drink plenty of distilled water the next few days.

I like that the flush times are doable.  I could start on Wednesday and do the flush on Saturday. The only thing that freaks me about doing a flush during the work week is the BM's.  I would hate to have a massive one on the job, or have my stomach rumbling.  So not sexy.  The other hurdle I will have to overcome is the water drinking.  Why the freak can't water taste like Coke.  You think with all the advances we've made, that would be on the top of the list.

I and my upset stomach say Adieu for now.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Brand New Day

It is a brand new day in la vida de mine.  I recently moved back to North Carolina after spend close to ten years in New Jersey.  When I started this blog I felt I was serious, but I allowed myself to be distracted by the minutia of life.  It was easy to maintain my horrible habits.  The only thing I can say that has been steadfastly awesome is my walking.  I love to walk.  In Jersey it was easy to walk from town to town.  I could do five plus miles a day.

Well since I am back in NC I have a bit of time to decompress and organize my life.  This morning I stumbled across an story done my ABC on a man who lost 100 lbs.  I loved the article because it was so practical, and it wasn't some super energized fitness bunny yelling at me and calling it motivation.  His main tactics were:
1) Walking (Physical Activity)
2) Cutting out white flour
3) Cutting out sugary drinks (i.e. soda and whatnot)
4) Pre-planning meals healty meals
5) Drinking water

I read it and am convinced that it is doable.  I know one of my major downfalls is the lack of planning, and shopping for the crap.  I know that if I stock up with the good stuff then when I do feel peckish then the good stuff will be on hand to eat.  So the issue is not understanding, it is doing.

I will keep you posted.  Let's say I'll do my best to keep you posted.
